Sustainability / Resiliency

Gedeon GRC Consulting has been implementing cost-effective strategies to achieve sustainable and resilient designs for projects throughout the tri-state area for the past 15 years.

Based on their multi-disciplined expertise, our staff strives to develop projects that not only minimize negative environmental, social, and economic impacts but also mitigate the effect of extreme weather and other external threats. Gedeon GRC approaches sustainability and resiliency in a wholistic and integrated manner, from project start-up until close-out. We deliver sustainable engineering and design solutions for both the built and natural environments.

In addition to Gedeon GRC being members of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI), we maintain a staff of accredited professionals thoroughly acquainted with USGBC’s LEED, WELL, WEDG, EnergyStar, Passive House and Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision certification systems.

Services include:

  • Agency Coordination & Approval
  • Envision Design
  • Feasibility Studies
  • LEED Design
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Resiliency Design
  • Sustainability Solutions
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