Gedeon GRC Consulting was part of a team selected to provide construction inspection services for various projects located throughout Long Island and New York City. These contracts included:
Region 10, Long Island:
Region 11, New York City:
Inspection work includes but is not limited to:
Highway reconstruction projects including earthwork; drainage; stormwater management; pavement milling; joint repair; crack sealing; asphalt and concrete paving; pavement markings; intersection improvements; sidewalks; retaining walls; roadway lighting; traffic signal systems; intelligent transportation systems (ITS) equipment installation; sign and sign structure replacement; maintenance or installation of appurtenances such as noise barrier, guide railing, median barrier and fencing; graffiti removal; landscaping; and other routine construction contracts.
Bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects including substructure and superstructure repairs; repair or replacement of bridge decks, overlays, joints, bearings, sidewalks, railing, fencing, overhead lighting, signs, and scuppers; bridge cleaning; stone re-pointing; asbestos removal; and occasional bridge emergency work.
Some night or weekend work was required for some assignments. All records were kept in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Record Keeping (MURK).