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PANYNJ / JFK International Airport: Redevelopment
Gedeon GRC Consulting was retained as a Sub-consultant to provide site/civil, structural and traffic engineering services for the JFK Airport Redevelopment Project.

Project responsibilities included review of existing data, field conditions assessment, structural facilities inspection, development of structural computations, demolition design, temporary canopy design, pedestrian and vehicular wayfinding design, pavement assessment and design, drainage design, utilities relocation, erosion and sedimentation control, SWPPP review, sidewalk and curb design, pedestrian ramps, MOT, preparation of report, preliminary and final design, reviews (incl. TAA/PA), and coordination with CM and T1 designers.

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Gedeon GRC has developed contract documents including plans, specifications, and estimates for the following assignments:

  • Green Garage Demolition - The scope of services focused on the demolition of a 4-story, 1,800-sq. ft. space parking garage (steel frame/pre-cast concrete double tee deck) and the demolition/relocation of site elements within project areas, including utilities.
  • Terminal 2 AirTrain Station Demolition/Decommissioning - The scope of services involved the demolition of a station enclosure, protection of elevated rail/guideways, demolition of 3-story station enclosure, and relocation/salvage of associated equipment.
  • Terminal 2 Demolition - Design involved the phased demolition of the building including foundation, structural framing, roof system, and exterior retaining walls and associated structural system.
  • Terminal 8 Concessions Renovation - Full professional structural engineering services for the renovation of the JFK Airport Terminal 8 Concessions, including retail, dining, and common areas. The renovation consists of the Great Hall, Welcome and Orientation Zone, The Show, Arrivals, and interstitial spaces.
  • New Terminal One - Civil/traffic engineering and structural support services which included designing pedestrian and vehicular wayfinding signs to direct pedestrians and vehicles to the respective destinations throughout the construction phase as well as the post-construction conditions, and designing Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) for various works including installation of new utilities, construction of temporary and final roadways, installation of new signs, demolition of existing buildings and parking structures, construction of new buildings and any activities that will require public protection from construction.
Project Details
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Queens, NY