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LaGuardia Airport / 81st St. and 19th Ave: Engineering Inspection of Combined Sewer Outfall

As a Prime Consultant, Gedeon GRC Consulting provided Resident Engineering Inspection Services for the reconstruction and replacement of an existing sewer and outfall discharging into Bowery Bay. This project addressed a partially collapsed outfall, restoring its necessary functions and preventing full collapse. The work included installing a new 14-foot 7-inch-wide by 8-foot-high combined sewer outfall at the same location, using a temporary bypass within an existing easement on City-owned land under the Department of Small Business Services' jurisdiction. 

The sewer and outfall design calls for a reinforced concrete structure supported on a concrete cradle on piles with a flap gate at the outlet to control any inflow of tidal water from the bay. Additionally, boulders were installed to stabilize the bottom of the bay to minimize the potential for scour and resuspension of sediments into the water column that may otherwise occur when there is flow from the outfall. Additional scope of services included pavement, utilities, installation of cofferdam, and coordination with NYSDEC, NYCDEP, NYCDOT and PANYNJ.

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To support the post-construction inspection, Gedeon flew the Elios 3 with Survey LiDAR into the combined sewer outfall to perform an as-built assessment. The assessment consisted of collecting a 4K video of the culvert within the project limits, as well as generating a LiDAR point cloud from which confirmatory measurements could be extracted.

The point cloud and video data were then processed using Inspector 4.0, where the conditions and potential concerns could be easily referenced within the point cloud. Using measurement tools, each point of interest (POI) has a relative location accurate within 4 inches per 100 ft and provides a reliable method of determining where any deficiencies in construction may need to be repaired. After reviewing the flight data, the project was confirmed to be defect free.

Project Details
NYC Department of Design and Construction
Queens, NY
Water Resources