Spanning NY-27 (Sunrise Highway) between the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant and Cedar Creek Water Pollution Control Plant and the residential streets connecting the facilities to NY-27, this project aimed at improving water quality and storm resiliency in Long Island, NY’s Western Bays in Nassau County.
Gedeon GRC’s scope involved civil, traffic, and roadway designs for the pumping station, shafts for micro-tunneling, and required utility and restorative work throughout the project area. Gedeon GRC developed a traffic management plan, including simulation analysis to minimize traffic flow disruption while maintaining and enhancing safety during construction. Additional elements included utilities, drainage, pavement marking, signage, traffic signals, Work Zone TrafficControl, erosion sedimentation control, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans. The design was performed on a fast-track schedule and utilized a rigorous QA/QC program to ensure the product complied with all codes, standards, and specifications with a particular emphasis on compliance with theNYS Department of Environmental Conservation Stormwater Manual to minimize impacts on surrounding water bodies.
The project’s use of micro-tunneling and slip lining to repurpose an existing aqueduct reduced project costs, schedule, and impacts to the local community, residents, and business owners.
This project was coordinated with NYS Department of Transportation, Nassau County Department of Public Works, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and all impacted municipalities.